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Soil Biology 4-day Certification Course

  • Western Sydney University Hawskesbury Campus Drive Richmond, NSW, 2753 Australia (map)

Learn about the properties of soils and how to adopt practices and strategies to enhance soil health and biological activities. Use the power of plant-soil-microbial relationships to unlock soil nutrients, produce healthier and more nutritious plants, and understand how microbes in soils influence soil fertility and drive plant production.

The program will have two parts:

  1. The first two days are an introductory course related to increased productivity through environmental and sustainable management practices. No prior knowledge is needed.

  2. In combination with Part 1, the last two days are designed for consultants, farmers and others who have an interest in integrating soil biology/ health in agronomic practices.

Attendance of all 4 days is necessary for receiving a certificate from Soil Science Australia.

Attendance at this course by accredited CPSS can be claimed in their OPD.

The certificate will be awarded on behalf of Soil Science Australia.

VENUE: Hawkesbury Campus, Western Sydney University