World Wetlands Day


Why do we LOVE wetlands!?!

Wetlands are so important. They filter the air and the water; they capture pollutants and recycle nutrients; they are full of biodiversity; they are wildlife nurseries and refuges; they dissipate solar energy and moderate climate extremes; and, they capture carbon and build landscapes.

While 95% of the world’s wetlands have been destroyed or are severely degraded, at The Mulloon Institute we are turning this story around by rehydrating landscapes across the country. We are working with Landcare groups, Catchment Management Authorities, NRM groups and innovative farmers who are passionate about restoring the health of the Australian countryside, including this most critical component of our living planet – wetlands!

Our major flagship project is the Mulloon Community Landscape Rehydration Project, covering 23,000 hectares of the Mulloon catchment in southern NSW, and encompassing around 50 km of creeks and tributaries. The project involves over 20 local landholders and forms a critical biodiversity corridor that connects the Tallaganda National Park with the protected State Reserve of the Mid-Shoalhaven water catchment.

Join us in celebrating how important wetlands are this World Wetlands Day!

Kelly Thorburn