Weirs continue to flow through drought and fires

Maritn Royds Jillamatong in front of weir-600px.jpg

Back in December 2019, firefighting helicopters were filling up from leaky weirs on Martin Royds' Jillamatong property to fight the fires threatening Braidwood. 

Martin Royds is a longtime regenerative farmer who has rehydrated a large erosion gully on his property using Peter Andrews' methods. What was once an intact chain of ponds at the time of early settlers and had since become a deeply eroded gully, is now a series of well hydrated leaky weirs. 

According to Martin, who also sits on The Mulloon Institute's Board, the weirs' ability to endure during times of drought comes down to natural sequence farming and regenerative agriculture.

Read the full article here:

SOURCE: The Land, article by Olivia Carter, 20 December 2019

Kelly Thorburn